Positive Physicians Payment Portal/Mobile App

Terms of Use Page

Search Policy Page

Address Verification Page

Invoice Selection Page

Payment Selection Page

Payments Page

Notification Page


The Terms of Use page may be accessed by selecting Pay a Bill from the www.positivephysicians.com web site. On the mobile app, the Terms of Use will automatically appear when the user launches the app. This is the beginning of the payment process.

The user must select either the Accept or Decline button on this page in order to proceed further. Clicking on the Accept button indicates that the user agrees to the Terms of Use of the payment process and Positive Physician’s payment processor/software vendor. After clicking on the Accept button, the Address Verification page will be displayed as the next step in the payment process. Clicking on the Decline button will route the user back to the Billing page of the Positive Physicians web site. On the mobile app, clicking on the Decline button will close the app.

The Search Policy page will be displayed after the user accepts the Terms of Use. A single input field is provided for the user to enter a valid policy number. The user must provide a valid policy number and click on the Search button in order to proceed further with the payment process. The policy number may be found on the policyholder’s invoice or account statement. If a policyholder does not know their policy number, they may contact Positive Physicians customer service or their agent to obtain their policy number.

The user will be routed to the Address Verification page after entry of a valid policy number. Entering an invalid policy number more than three times, the system will display a pop-up stating ‘You've entered the policy information incorrectly several times. As a precaution, we’re disabling your connection for some time. You will be redirected to the Billing page.’ and clicking on the Ok button the system will route the user back to the Billing page of the Positive Physicians website. The user's connection will be disabled for 30 minutes during which no more search attempts will be supported as a security precaution. The user may re-try after 30 minutes have elapsed.

In case of the mobile app, the system will display a pop-up stating ‘You've entered the policy information incorrectly several times. As a precaution, we’re disabling your connection for some time. You will be redirected back home.’ and clicking on the OK button the system will route the user back home.

The Address Verification page is displayed after the system validates the policy number entered in the Search Policy page.

The Address Verification page displays the policy number, the policy status, the policy effective date and the policy expiration date in a panel at the top of the page followed by a Verify Address panel. Four mailing addresses will be displayed and the user is required to select one and click on the Confirm button. This action verifies the mailing address of the policyholder as an additional accuracy check.

If the user selects an incorrect mailing address, the system will display a message stating ‘You’ve selected an incorrect address. You will be routed back to the Billing page’ In such a case, the user will be routed back to the Billing page of www.positivephysicians.com even if they do not click on the Ok button of the message. On the mobile app, the error message will display stating ‘You’ve selected an incorrect address. You will be redirected back home.’ In such a case, the user will be routed back home even if they do not click on the OK button of the message. Selecting the correct mailing address and clicking on the Confirm button will route the user to the Invoice Selection page of the payment process.

The Invoice Selection page is displayed after the user completes the address verification successfully. This page displays three panels, the Unpaid Invoices panel the Paid Invoices panel and the Policy panel.

Unpaid Invoices panel:
The unpaid invoices panel displays a table that consists of the following columns:

Invoice Number, this is the unique identifier of the invoice.

Invoice Type, this may be Premium, Endorsement or Credit.

Due Date, this is the date that the invoice is due as per the payment terms of the policy.

Invoice Amount, this is the amount of the invoice calculated during invoice creation as per the billing plan of the policy. The invoice amount reflects values based on annual, monthly or quarterly billing plans.

Balance, this indicates the amount that is due on the invoice including prior underpayments or overpayments. If this column shows a negative value, no payment is due and the Pay button under the Action column is disabled.

Status, this indicates the status of the unpaid invoice. This may be Due, Past Due, No Payment Due (if the Balance column is negative) and Processing. A status of Processing indicates that a payment was made recently and the system will update this status by the following day. In such a case, clicking on the Pay button will display a message, In such a case, clicking on the Pay button will display a message, ‘We have received a payment for this invoice. Your payment will be posted on the invoice within 24 hours. Please check back later.’

Action, this is the last column on the Unpaid Invoices panel. It displays two buttons, the View Button and the Pay button. The View button allows a user to view an invoice PDF that was generated at the time of invoice creation. The user may download and save the invoice PDF file to their device for future reference. If the user clicks on the View button and the invoice PDF is not available, an email will be sent automatically to the Billing Department and the user will be requested to check back after 24 hours at which point the invoice PDF will be available.
The second button under the Action column is the Pay button. The user may click on this button to access the next page in the payment process.

If you subscribed to Autopay previously, a message will be displayed at the bottom of this section as follows: ‘You are currently subscribed to Autopay. Your payments will be processed automatically.’ This is an informational message and does not require any action by the user.

Paid Invoices panel:
This panel consists of a table that displays all the paid invoices. It displays the following columns:

Invoice Number, this is the unique identifier of the invoice.

Invoice Type, this may be Premium, Endorsement or Credit.

Payment Date, this is the date the payment was received for the invoice.

Invoice Amount, this is the amount of the invoice calculated during invoice creation as per the billing plan of the policy. The invoice amount reflects values based on annual, monthly or quarterly billing plans.

Payment amount, this is the amount of the payment made by the policyholder on the invoice.

Status, this indicates the status of the invoice (Paid).

Action, this column displays a View button. The View button allows the user to view the invoice PDF that was generated at the time of invoice creation. Please note this invoice PDF will not reflect the payment amount. The user may download and save the invoice PDF file to their device for future reference. If the user clicks on the View button and the invoice PDF is not available, an email will be automatically sent to the Billing Department and the user will be requested to check back after 24 hours at which point the invoice PDF will be available.

Policy panel:
This panel is displayed on the right-hand side of the page and has the following information:

Policyholder, this is the legal name of the policyholder on the issued policy.

Effective Date, this is the date the policy went into effect.

Expiration Date, this is the date the policy expires.

Status, this indicates the status of the policy whether Active, Cancelled, Expired etc.

Cancel, this button cancels the payment process and routes the user back to the Billing page of www.positivephysicians.com

In the mobile app, the Select Invoice screen will be displayed in card views for each panel, such as Policy details, Unpaid Invoices list, and the Paid Invoices list. If you subscribed to Autopay previously, a message will be displayed at the bottom of the Unpaid Invoices list as follows: ‘You are currently subscribed to Autopay. Your payments will be processed automatically.’ This is an informational message and does not require any action by the user.

The Payment Selection page is displayed after the user clicks on the Pay button on the Invoice Selection page. This page displays three panels, the first is a Policy panel, the second is the Payment panel and the third is the Invoice panel.

Policy panel:
This panel is displayed on the top of this page and has the following information:

Policyholder, this is the legal name of the policyholder on the issued policy.

Effective Date, this is the date the policy went into effect.

Expiration Date, this is the date the policy expires.

Status, this indicates the status of the policy whether Active, Cancelled, Expired etc.

Payment panel:
The Payment panel lets the user select whether to make a payment using a credit card or a bank account. it also lets the user specify a payment amount and their email address. The panel provides an option to let the user select one-time payment or autopay for automatic future payments.

Payment Method, this is a dropdown that lets the user select either a credit card or bank account as a method of payment. Selecting bank account from the dropdown will display a message to the user indicating that the Technology Fee has been waived courtesy of Positive Physicians Insurance Company. Selecting credit card as a method of payment will display a message that indicates that the Technology Fee will be calculated and displayed on the next screen.

Transaction Amount, the Transaction Amount reflects the amount that the user wants to pay. This is defaulted to the Balance from the Invoice Selection page and may be changed by the user. If the user has subscribed to Autopay previously, the Transaction Amount field will be disabled and users cannot change the amount.

Technology Fee, this field reflects the amount that will be charged to the policyholder for processing the online transaction by the payment processor/bank. If the user selects the Payment Method as bank account, the Technology Fee is waived courtesy of Positive Physicians Insurance Company. If the user selects credit card as the Payment Method, then the Technology Fee is calculated on the next screen where the user enters their account details.

Email, this is a required field. The user is required to enter their email address so that the payment confirmation email may be sent.

If the user has not subscribed to Autopay previously, the following two choices will be displayed towards the bottom of this section:

Autopay (Click here to save the payment method & account details for automatic future payments)
One-time payment

The Manage Autopay button at the bottom left side will be disabled.

If a user selects Autopay, the Transaction Amount field will be disabled and amount will be defaulted to the Balance from the Invoice Selection page.

If a user selects One-time payment, the Transaction Amount field will be enabled and users may change the amount.

If the user has subscribed to Autopay previously, the following three choices will be displayed towards the bottom of this section:

Autopay (Click here to save the payment method & account details for automatic future payments)
Pay Now, skip next Autopay
One-time payment

Autopay is enabled on your account.
Click on the Manage Autopay button below to change your Autopay options.

The Manage Autopay button will be enabled.

By default, Autopay is selected as the user has subscribed to Autopay previously.

If a user selects the Pay Now, skip next Autopay option, a pop-up will appear with the following message, ‘You are opting to pay this invoice immediately. The payment method on file will be charged and your payment will be submitted for processing. You will remain enrolled in Autopay for future invoices. An email confirmation will be sent once your payment is processed.’ Below the message, two buttons will be displayed Cancel and Confirm. On clicking of the Confirm button, the user will be redirected to the Invoice Selection page with message at the top as ‘Your payment has been submitted for processing successfully.’
Clicking on the Cancel button will close the pop-up and the selection of the user’s choice will reset back to a choice selected previously.

If user selects the One-time payment option, a pop-up will appear with the following message, ‘This invoice will no longer be processed by Autopay. Any future payments on this invoice must also be done using the One-time payment option.’ The Autopay and Pay Now choices will be disabled for such invoices in future.

If a user who is subscribed to Autopay, clicks on the Manage Autopay button, a pop-up window will appear with the following three options:

Change payment method
Change Bank Account/Credit Card
Cancel Autopay

If the user selects Change payment method the following message will be displayed and the user will need to confirm their selection.
‘Please process a payment using your new method of payment to complete your Autopay selection.’

If the user selects Change Bank Account/Credit Card the following message will be displayed and the user will need to confirm their selection.
'Please process a payment using your new bank account/credit card to complete your Autopay selection.'

If a user has processed an invoice using the One-time payment option previously, the Change payment method and Change Bank Account/Credit Card options will be disabled even though the user is subscribed to Autopay.

If the user selects Cancel Autopay the following message will be displayed and the user will need to confirm their selection.
‘You have chosen to cancel Autopay. Any 'Pay Now' transaction you performed today will be cancelled. Are you sure you would like to proceed? Please enter the word "Cancel" to confirm your selection.’
A field named ‘Type here’ is provided and the user needs to enter the value ‘cancel’ in order to proceed with Autopay cancellation.

Autopay, this field should be selected if the user desires to save the account details that will be entered on the next screen for automatic future payments. Selecting this option will pay the policyholder bill automatically wherever the next invoice is generated (whether on a monthly or quarterly basis). The account details entered on the next screen are be used for automatic payments.

Pay Now, skip next Autopay, this field should be selected if the user desires to remain subscribed to Autopay but wants the next invoice (whether due in the current month or next month) to be processed right away instead of processing on the invoice’s due date. Only a single invoice will be paid immediately and its Autopay schedule will be skipped.

One time Payment, this should be selected only if the user wishes to make a payment just once. In this case the bank/credit card account details of the policyholder will not be saved for future automatic payments.

Invoice panel:
The Invoice panel is a display only panel with the following information:

Invoice Number, this is the unique identifier of the invoice.

Invoice Type, this may be Premium, Endorsement or Credit.

Due Date, this is the date that the invoice is due as per the payment terms of the policy.

Amount, this is the amount of the invoice calculated during invoice creation as per the billing plan of the policy. The invoice amount reflects values based on annual, monthly or quarterly billing plans.

Technology Fee, this field reflects the amount that will be charged to the policyholder for processing the online transaction by the payment processor/bank.

Transaction Amount, the Transaction Amount reflects the amount that the user is paying.

Cancel, this button cancels the payment process and routes the user back to the Billing page of www.positivephysicians.com

Pay $<XX,XXXX.XX>, this button will route the user to a screen where the bank/ account or credit card details may be entered along with the billing address. Clicking on this Pay $<XX,XXXX.XX> button will start a 10 minutes clock during which the user must complete the next screen and click on the Confirm Purchase button. If the next screen times out, the user will need to begin the payment process again starting from the Billing page of www.positivephysicians.com

The Payments page is displayed after user clicks on the Pay $<XX,XXX.XX> button of the Payment Selection page.

If a Credit Card was used as a payment method, the Payments page is displayed and has following input fields:

Cards Details panel:
NAME ON CARD, this is a required field. The user is required to enter the card holder name.

CARD NUMBER, this is a required field. The user is required to enter a valid credit card number.

EXPIRATION DATE, this is a required field. The user is required to enter a valid expiration date in ‘MM/YY’ format.

SECURITY CODE, this is a required field. The user is required to enter a valid security code.

Billing Address panel:
ADDRESS, this is a required field. The user is required to enter a valid address.

SUITE/UNIT, this is an optional field. The user is required to enter suite/unit.

CITY, this is a required field. The user is required to enter city.

COUNTRY OR REGION, this is a required field. The user is required to select the country. By default, this field is auto selected the country as ‘USA’.

STATE OR PROVINCE, this is a required field. The user is required to select the state or province.

POSTAL CODE, this is a required field. The user is required to enter a valid postal code.

TRANSACTION AMOUNT, this field reflects the transaction amount that the user has entered on Payment Selection page.

TECHNOLOGY FEE, this field reflects the amount that will be charged to the policyholder for processing the online transaction by the payment processor/bank.

TOTAL AMOUNT, this field reflects the total amount (TRANSACTION AMOUNT + TECHNOLOGY FEE).

If a Bank ACH was used as a payment method, the Payments page is displayed and has following input fields:

Bank Details panel:
ACCOUNT HOLDER NAME, this is a required field. The user is required to enter the bank account holder name.

BANK ROUTING NUMBER, this is a required field. The user is required to enter a valid bank routing number.

BANK NAME, this field will show the bank name based on the entered bank routing number.

BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER, this is a required field. The user is required to enter a valid bank account number.

VERIFY BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER, this is a required field. The user is required to enter a valid bank routing number.

TRANSACTION AMOUNT, this field reflects the transaction amount that the user has entered on Payment Selection page.

TECHNOLOGY FEE, this field reflects the amount that will be charged to the policyholder for processing the online transaction by the payment processor/bank.

TOTAL AMOUNT, this field reflects the total amount (TRANSACTION AMOUNT + TECHNOLOGY FEE).

After entering the Credit Card/Bank details and clicking on the Confirm Purchase button the system will route the user to the Notification page.

The notification page is displayed after the user clicks on the Confirm Purchase button of the Bank Account/Credit Card details page.

If a credit card was used as a payment method, the success or failure notification of the payment transaction is displayed within a few seconds.

If a bank account was used for the payment transaction, a payment submitted successfully message is displayed to the user. Bank account transactions are processed by banks at end of day following which, a success or failure email will be sent to the email address provided by the policyholder.

In either case, a payment confirmation number is displayed and a page receipt is generated. The user may print the page receipt for their records.

A credit card payment confirmation is typically emailed to the user within minutes. The bank account payment confirmation is sent overnight.

This page completes the payment process. After this notification page is displayed to the user, they may choose to continue paying additional invoices by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page or choose to return to the Billing page of the www.positivephysicians.com. In case of the mobile app, users may choose to return to the home menu using the Home link.